3rd - 11th August 2024, Chateau de Jambville near Paris.



4.30 -7

Sadhana stage


7 - 8



8 - 9


Misl Meeting

9.30 - 11



Break Gong

13 -14

Big Top

All camp workshop

14 -16

Big Top

All camp meditation + Tunnel of Love
16 -16.30




Bazaar opens

16 - 22

Evening workshops


Children's Circus

19.30 -20

Sadhana stage




The Joy
of Dance


Sadhana stage

Healing meditation


Sadhana stage



Sadhana stage


Skye Kaur



11 - 13

18 - 19.30


from 13


11 - 13

18 - 19.30


11 - 13

18 - 19.30


11 - 13

18 - 19.30


11 - 13

18 - 19.30


Gabriel Grimm & Angad Swiderski


Amrit Jeewan & Chiara Lyons

Sat Nam Rasayan

Sat Nam Rasayan is a centuries-old meditation technique and healing art in the tradition of the Kundalini Yoga. It helps to release tendencies and limitations in body, mind and emotions — the common reasons for sickness. Sat Nam Rasayan, as transmitted by Guru Dev Singh, is based on Shuniya, your Inner Silence. To access this meditative state you will use the sensory awareness of your body.


Personal treatments at the Sat Nam Rasayan tent.

www.sat-nam-rasyan.de/eyf or contact us at info@sat-nam-rasayan.de

Sat Nam Rasayan Internaࢢonal school: www.satnamrasayan.it

Gong Meditation: Uplift your Vibration

Teacher: Devinderjit Kaur

Let the waves of sound frequencies flow through you, awaken your true self and uplift you into the bliss of all-one. The gong is a sacred instrument and is considered one of the most powerful ways to heal in a state of trance. Multiple gongs, played in syncronicity and with the same intention, are an overwhelming experience. The sound current heales blocks, then opens consciousness to connect to the divine. Relax, tune in and vibrate your soul’s light.


Ada Devinderjit is a naturopath for holistic psychotherapy in Hamburg and Malente, Germany. In Nanak Dev Singhs heritage she is practicing, teaching and also researching on White Sound Gong meditation. Devinderjit is happy to re-unite gong graduates for Wahe Guru! Gong voyages. Born in 1970, she is also holds an MA in cultural anthropology and is mother of a 19-year-old son.

Strenghten your Aura - Strong arms Strong thighs

Teacher: Tara Jaidev Kaur

Strengthen your physical body so that your mind and soul find health in it to function in troubled times


I have been practicing yoga regularly since 2016, I completed my training as a Kundalini yoga teacher from 2019 to 2021, and I have been leading two yoga classes a week since 2021. I am still enthusiastic about the effects and diversity of yoga and love the little miracles that I discover on my mat or afterwards.

Kundalini Yoga and Epigenetics

Teacher: Taj Inderprem

In this workshop you will gain insights into the fascinating science of epigenetics. What mechanisms affect the expression of our genes and how can we specifically influence them? Cell biology, nutrition, exercise, sleep, environment, social relationships, even our thoughts, beliefs and family imprints influence our body and our health. What is necessary to activate our self-healing powers? What role can Kundalini Yoga and lifestyle play in this context? Come to the workshop to experience more.


Catharina Taj Inderprem lives in Hamburg, Germany, and is a German Heilpraktiker (naturopath) with a focus on epigenetics and functional medicine. She is also a cultural scientist and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level 2 and has been practicing Kundalini Yoga for more than 15 years. She considers herself as a bridge builder between diverse traditional teachings and (natural) healing methods with the latest findings in medicine.

Compassionately Crossing the Worldly Ocean

Teacher: Hari Krishan Singh Khalsa

We are going to take a deep dive into the infinite Ocean of Compassion. Specific exercises, guidance and deep meditation to connect with Wisdom and Healing that includes All of Nature and Humankind.


Hari Krishan Singh, Dutch but resident in Germany, is co-founder of Cherdi Kala International Kundalini Yoga School along with his wife Bachitar Kaur. He travels and teaches internationally as a Lead level 1 & 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and Karam Kriya Numerology Trainer. With profound understanding and insight into the Teachings and an abundant sense of humor, Hari Krishan’s infectious presence naturally puts people at ease. He lives with his family in South-Germany in Yogahouse Prasaad.

Trauma informed Compassionate Inquiry & KY

Teacher: Chandra Kirin Kaur

Mental disharmonies drive people to addictions, like to social media, to a substance, food, exercise etc. This creates a distraction from their TRUE identity and may block their ability to become a realized human being. Understanding the PAIN that drives the behaviour is a very effective way for the person to become empowered to take responsibility and take action to reduce the pain. Understanding that their addictions are only a coping mechanism, they can be compasssionate to self and others


Chan is passionate about helping people find balance/peace in their lives through her work with Compassionate Inquiry, a trauma-informed psychotherapy and Kundalini Yoga. A regular teacher at the EYF festival, her teachings are from Dr Gabor Mate. (The source of our unhappiness originates from trauma experienced in childhood.) She helps clients identify the root cause of their imbalances and co-create a lifestyle plan to transform. She is also a BioResonance practitioner www.sol-wellness.com

Heal Your Parts with Kundalini Yoga

Teacher: Jagat Simran Singh

There is a danger in the Yoga scene and that is that we start to use the good vibrations of the Yoga to avoid feeling some of our own parts. The methods that I apply can be used to heal those parts of ourselves and integrate well with Kundalini Yoga. In this workshop we will do some Yoga, heal inner parts, and Meditate as well. As someone who has studied both I bring the best of these two worlds together in one class. Through this, we achieve the true meaning of the word Yoga which means Union.


I am a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and a Therapeutic Coach. I combine the both worlds of Eastern Yoga and Western Therapeutic and Coaching techniques. I teach classes and guide students on coaching journeys. The methods I apply are from NLP and IFS. I also love playing Kirtan on the guitar and guide singing circles playing Mantra’s and Shabads from the Kundalini Yoga tradition.

Soulwellness and the Inner Child

Teacher: Tiaga Seva Kaur

Who is (not) angry or afraid? In psychotherapy we often refer to the inner child that is experiencing emotions. Listening to and healing the inner child is an approach to real health, wellness of body, mind and soul. This 4-part workshop explores ways of how yoga can help us accept and transform emotions, especially fear and anger. Lets dive deep with movement and mind so we can grow in understanding our deepest needs and be at peace, not war with ourselves and each other. Are you ready to feel?


She has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 35 years since her studies of psychology at university of Trier. Now a psychotherapist in a psychosomatic clinic, she also gives „yoga and psychotherapy“ retreats in Europe, specializing in embodiment and emotional healing work. She is passionate about integrating the kundalini technology with modern tools of psychology and being a bridge between the modern and the ancient. Her spiritual training is based in Buddhist, Sufi and Yogic teachers.

The 10 Dimensions of the Human Being

Teacher: Ishwara Kaur

Through the ten bodies we can understand the depth and beauty of the human being. With Sacred Teachings and interactive conversations, we will go on a journey of exploration, of the different dimensions of these bodies. We will practise meditations to support this journey of discovery. We will go deeper and more expansive than the Teachings on this subject in a level 1 training.


Ishwara is a teacher, a mentor and a musician. She is known for her warmth, sense of humour, depth and wisdom. She has been teaching kundalini yoga and related practises for many years. She is co-founder of Ik Saran Dhian – school of Sacred Living, is a mentor for trainers of teachers and works for the empowerment of women. She is currently co-creating a new environment for Sacred Living, deep in the Pyrénéen mountains in France.

Feminine Leadership

Teacher: Ishwara Kaur

Every woman is a natural leader and it is through embracing and valuing her feminine qualities and bringing them into balance with the masculine, that healthy, balanced leadership will be born. You are part of creating that new paradigm. Join me to explore the nature of feminine leadership and to expand your leadership qualities.


Ishwara is known for her warmth, sense of humour and wisdom. She approaches life as an ongoing exploration & discovery of human & individual potential. She incorporates singing, dancing, music, yoga, meditation, relaxation & a love of nature, into her teaching. She is a spiritual guide and mentor and a musician. She has been teaching, training teachers & mentoring new trainers for many years. She is in the midst of co-creating a Centre of Spirituality and Community in the Pyrénées in France.

Neutral Mind - The House of Guru Ram Dass

Teacher: Devta Singh

This lecture addresses:

  • Developing the neutral mind to connect with our true self and foster authentic relationships.
  • Cultivating a habit of pausing to break reactive patterns.
  • Strengthening our relationship with Guru Ram Dass, the master yogi of the Kundalini Yoga tradition.

The neutral mind is the heart of the human spirit, where lower forces harmonise with higher guidance to facilitate a genuinely human experience. Without a developed neutral mind, also known as the meditative mind, it’s challenging to nurture human virtues and maintain self-awareness.

When we tap into Guru Ram Dass’s neutrality, we realise that giving is receiving, and we recognize the unity of all beings: Sat naam.


Devta Singh is a Karam Kriya Student & Counsellor and Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Trainer. Together with his family he lives in Portugal and serves the community as part of the Association Ram Dass Guru. He speaks German, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Introduction to the founding text of yoga

Teacher: Satya Kaur Isabelle Croset

The evolution of yoga practice over the centuries has brought its share of enrichment and impoverishment.
The relationship with the founding text on which the practice is based is not always there, because it is little-known or seems inaccessible.
The Yoga-sutra speaks to us all, without discrimination, as it addresses the potential suffering experienced by each and every one of us, and its possible dissolution through the practice of its various tools.


A dancer, she began practising yoga in 1984. She is certified as a yoga teacher trainer by T.K.V. Desikachar (son of T. Krishnmacarya) and in yoga therapy by the Chennai Yoga School in India (KYM). Teacher and trainer at the French Yoga Institute (IFY). Federal diploma for teaching Chinese internal arts: Tai li Quan, Bagua Zhang. Qualified and accredited as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist. She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan for more than twenty years.

Sat Nam Jappa

Teacher: Deva & Ajooni Singh

Naad Gian

Teacher: Surprise Special Guest

Sikh Dharma

Teacher: Lectures


An opportunity to experience live shabad kirtan from a variety of kirtanis, in the presence of the Guru. Open to all.

From naïve daughter to wise woman

Teacher: Avtar Kaur Khalsa

From the naive daughter to the wise and divine woman, a journey through the numbers and the destiny of the Woman. ” 2 4 (5) 6 8 (11)

A workshop for women of all ages and background,  guided by the intelligence of the numbers.


Avtar Kaur is an experienced Karam Kriya and Kundalini Yoga Coach and trainer (L1 & L2 KRI certified) very involved in the KY international community. She initiated the program Divine Woman, based on number’s intelligence and Woman’s teachings. She is always passionate about raising awareness and awakening the feminine spirit in our modern society whether through workshops or 1 to 1 Numerology sessions. She transmits her teachings with great depth, while being joyful and brings you to a subtle, transformative state. Each workshop highlights the intelligence of numbers (Karam Kriya school of applied numerology) and the original Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Radius and Radiance in the Aquarian Age

Teacher: Avtar Kaur Khalsa

An intensive class where we will consciously build individually and together as a community a strong arcline, so that your presence can start radiating and impacting the changes that are ahead of us. The musicians from Mardana will play along the entire Class.


Avtar Kaur is a long-time international Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer (L1 and L2). She transmits her teachings with great depth, while being joyful and brings you to a subtle, transformative state. Each workshop highlights the intelligence of numbers (Karam Kriya school of applied numerology) and the original Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Menopause, entering the wise women’s age

Teacher: Pritam Dharma Kaur

During class you learn about menopause. Different phases, symptoms, how menopause affects the brain and which lifestyle supports you. And hoe to apply kundalini yoga technology in genersl and also specific for a variety of dymptoms. We are practicing some meditations together and are going to do a Celestial Communication.


61 years, mother, Health Scientist, worked 20 years as a career advisor. From menopause on she committed herself to daily practice of kundalini yoga & meditation. Working as a (menoshift-) coach and (retirement) trainer. “Diving deep in the mystery of the womens changing body, witnessing your Self is easier said then done if you are sensitive. It starts with caring and loving what is. And being receptive for new habits, finding new rhythms, new ambitions.” She loves to cook, travel, & Sardegna.

Raaj Yoga Miri Piri

Teacher: Hargurdial Singh

In this dark age of Kalyug, both mental and physical health problems are at an all time high. Siri Guru Harkrishan Ji cured everyone who came to him regardless of cast, colour or religion. This very same power now resides in gurbani used within Raj Yoga, which is universal and there for everyone who meditates upon it. Not only does it heal, but it’s a path to spiritual enlightenment and salvation from transmigration and totally relevant to everybody today


I will go into translations from gurbani and combine this with historical sikh stories to explain how Raj Yoga sikh philosophy explains suffering and provides the solution to cure it.

Sexy and spiritual ?

Teacher: Kirpal Singh Khalsa

Sexy and spiritual ? Can I feel sexy and spiritual at the same time? Is this allowed? Isn’t spirituality about letting go of worldly attachments and of enjoying my physical body? Can being spiritual be playful ? The interplay of our sexuality and spirituality awakens us to who we deeply and truly are. We will practise a kriya with live music, as well as pranayam and meditation to explore this interplay.


Kirpal Singh lives in France, has taught Kundalini Yoga since the 90’s, and is co-founder of the International School of Sacred Living, Ik Saran Dhian, with his wife, Ishwara Kaur. They have trained several hundred KY teachers over the last years. Kirpal Singh is passionate about experiencing the self through the voice and is teaching through Number Intelligence – Karam Kriya. He has a strong presence, warmth, and a common sense way of teaching, bringing lofty concepts down and into our lives.

The Five Domains of the Spiritual Man

Teacher: Kirpal Singh Khalsa

Spiritual teachings can seem lofty and disconnected from concrete questions and challenges of our daily lives. Can we look at the teachings from a different perspective? Rather than taking the angle that something is wrong with us or that we need to learn to fit into a new paradigm, can we become craftsmen, the creative artists of a life that is filled with spirit? A life that we choose and shape each day, and that becomes a learning environment to become real, simple, and peaceful.


Kirpal Singh lives in France, has taught Kundalini Yoga since the 90’s, and is co-founder of the International School of Sacred Living, Ik Saran Dhian, with his wife, Ishwara Kaur. They have trained several hundred KY teachers over the last years. Kirpal Singh is passionate about experiencing the self through the voice and is teaching through Number Intelligence – Karam Kriya. He has a strong presence, warmth, and a common sense way of teaching, bringing lofty concepts down and into our lives.

Following the body: resiliency and yoga

Teacher: Gabriele Grimm & Angad Swiderski

The development of resiliency is essential to encounter the somatic traces of trans generational and developmental Trauma. Knowledge about the nervous system and its organization related to traumatic and daily stress helps to understand symptoms in the present like depression or burn-out. Yoga is a powerful practice to build up, regain and stay with a regulated nervous system. In this workshop we will share biological and evolutionary organisation of the body and connect it with yogic tools.


Gabriele Grimm psychotherapist since more than 40 years especially for trauma, regular yogic practice for over 20 years and participating the European Yoga Festival. As well as the co-teacher Angad Swiderski who is a Yoga teacher since 2001.

Gentle Power - Yoga & Healing for Fatigue & Chronic

Teacher: Amrit Jiwan & Chiara Lyons

Fatigue-related health conditions are on the rise and can prevent us from living joyfully to our fullest potential.
These conditions are likely to affect members of the Kundalini Yoga community, their loved ones & students. These conditions can be invisible from the outside, yet those who experience them can feel both isolated and excluded from mainstream yoga classes. We aim to begin to change that with this workshop – by sharing helpful techniques to teachers and tools for self-healing.

A gentle, restorative & deeply transformative class using yoga & breathwork techniques to address the root causes of chronic health issues: inflammation, nervous system disturbance and hormonal imbalance. Extended deep relaxation and chanting will help to restore the body’s rhythmic balance.
We’ll lean into the wounds which can arise from chronic health conditions, and use these as portals to growth & acceptance. We aim to slowly come to peace with exactly where we’re at, in this moment.


Kundalini Yoga teachers & Sat Nam Rasayan healers Amrit Jiwan and Chiara Lyons both have lived experience of fatigue-related health conditions. Their love of yoga, mantra and healing brought them together with the aim to empower people with fatigue-related conditions through the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Mantra Meditation. Amrit Jiwan & Chiara bring a gentle, welcoming space to restore, heal and grow.

Becoming Unlimited

Teacher: Matamandir Singh

The times we are in and facing are reminiscent of the times the Sikh Guru’s faced down the forces of violence , negativity and deception and created a spiritual community which has survived and thrived over the intervening years and holds the power to pass down the Divine knowledge of Akaal. In this class we will practice the manifestation of that.

We will practice how , regardless of birth and circumstances, even the lowliest person can become unlimited in energy, creativity, wisdom and strength and become a Devta. Guru Nanak has guaranteed this.


 I was born and raised in rural Maine in the U.S. as a country bumpkin and woods hippy. . Somehow, by the Grace of the divine Guru I am an international teacher of Naad Yoga and kirtan . That in itself is a miracle.

Unlimited Strength and Wisdom are Within

Teacher: Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa

We will practice how , regardless of birth and circumstances, even the lowliest person can become unlimited in energy, creativity, wisdom and strength and become a Devta. Guru Nanak has guaranteed this.


I was born and raised in rural Maine in the U.S. as a country bumpkin and woods hippy. . Somehow, by the Grace of the divine Guru I am an international teacher of Naad Yoga and kirtan . That in itself is a miracle.

Experience the NAAD

Teacher: Priya Jotdev Kaur & Ram Rai Singh

The Naad, the universal stream of sound, that vibrates in each and everything, is an essential part of Kundalini Yoga, e.g when chanting mantras. In this workshop, we dive deeper into naad experience. Enjoy a workshop with your voice, pranayamas, meditation through sound. How can you connect to the naad with your voice? Which sound does support you? Which sound has an uplifting effect revealing the beautiness of your soul?


Priya Jotdev: weekly courses as Kundalini Yoga Teacher (KRI/Level 1); Sat Nam Rasayan Healer (Level 1 +2), playing Harmonium and singing in the Mantraband “NAAD Project”, offering ayurvedic massage

Ram Rai Singh is Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Level 1 2015, Level 2 2020) and member of the Aquarian Trainer Academy for Level 1 teacher training. As a multi-instrumentalist and singer for many years, he is founding member of the mantra band „Naad Project“.

Songs of Soul

Teacher: Siri Sadhana Kaur

This is a playful invitation to open our heart through embodying our unique voice and sound, harmonizing, improvising and chanting powerful mantras and world songs to elevate our souls. We will awaken somatic wisdom, unearthing our depths of joyful expression through sound and rythym. The sounds we vibrate mutually influence each others hearts, creating a synchrony that transforms our whole being, we become a sound mirror of the universe in full creative expression. No experience needed.


Siri is a KRI Lead Kundalini teacher + trainer. As a touring mantra recording artist and dancer, she embodies the sacred through movement, melody and rhythm. She is currently recording her 10th Mantra album out later this year. Sharing the timeless teachings of Kundalini, indigenous technology, and music, Siri encourages others to dance + sing their joyful depths, to consciously awaken and become the instrument and true light of the soul. All music is available as downloads. www.sirisadhana.com

Promoting Your Yoga Class on Social Media

Teacher: Chaz Fliy

Attendees of this class will: Learn how to position themselves as experts in their field. Discover ways to promote their business both professionally and authentically. Understand what types of content are best for their audience. Gain insights into creating a personal brand using their unique story.


Chaz Fliy, a seasoned spiritual educator and award-winning creative director, he shares insights on promoting yourself as a yoga teacher on social media. With a background as a creative director and DJ, Chaz Fliy transitioned into a spiritual educator and public speaker and has featured in many publications such as GQ and The New York Times. Leveraging his expertise in social media and creativity, he inspires and guides others on their spiritual paths through engaging content on online.

10 Rights of a Kundalini Yoga Student

Teacher: Karta Purakh Singh & Amrit Kaur

It will support yoga students to assess whether what they are experiencing in their yoga class or with their yoga teacher is whithin the realm of the Ethical Guidelines of KRI or not. It will also empower them to trust their own perception and sensing. Furthermore it will support a consciousness of ethical behaviour and respect for the vulnerability in teaching settings in the whole community.

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