3rd - 11th August 2024, Chateau de Jambville near Paris.



4.30 -7

Sadhana stage


7 - 8



8 - 9

Langar field

Misl Meeting

9.30 - 11


Langar field

Break Gong

13 -14

Big Top

All camp workshop

14 -16

Big Top

All camp meditation + Tunnel of Love
16 -16.30

Big Top



Langar field

Bazaar opens

16 - 22

Evening workshops


Children's Circus

19.30 -20

Sadhana stage




The Joy
of Dance


Sadhana stage

Healing meditation


Sadhana stage



Sadhana stage


Sat Hari & Friend

Amrit Sadhana Singh


11 - 13

18 - 19.30



Sat Bir Singh Khalsa


Devinderjit Kaur


Sat Shakti Kaur
Matamandir & friends



Taran Priti Kaur

from 13


Nam Devmeet


11 - 13

18 - 19.30



Adi Priya Kaur



Sat Hari Singh



Dunja Mladenic


Ongkar Singh
& Darshan Teja Kaur


11 - 13

18 - 19.30



Seva Kaur


Tiaga Priti Kaur



Sohang Kaur


Guru Gian



Surprise Special Guest


Video Lectures

Chardikala Jatha


11 - 13

18 - 19.30



Ishwara Kaur


Akasha Kaur

15.30 - 16.30



Devta SIngh


11 - 13

18 - 19.30





Nadar Nihal Kaur


Gianwant Singh


Dalpreet Atma Kaur



Siri Sadhana Kaur


Matamandir Singh




for singles

Haridass Kaur

Understanding the Science and Research on Yoga

Teacher: Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

In easy-to-understand language, this workshop/lecture will present an overview of modern biomedical research on yoga with special attention to Kundalini Yoga. We will review the biomedical scientific evidence for how yoga works, the clinical trials research, and the value/implications of yoga research in society and healthcare. Participants will appreciate how this knowledge can help with getting yoga classes into public venues, workplaces, fitness centers, schools and healthcare institutions.


Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. is Director of Research for the Kundalini Research Institute and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He has conducted scientific research on yoga for insomnia, stress, anxiety disorders, and in workplace and school settings. He is a Kundalini Yoga instructor since 1973, editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and chief editor of the medical textbook The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care.

Gong Meditation: Uplift your Vibration

Teacher: Devinderjit Kaur

Let the waves of sound frequencies flow through you, awaken your true self and uplift you into the bliss of all-one. The gong is a sacred instrument and is considered one of the most powerful ways to heal in a state of trance. Multiple gongs, played in syncronicity and with the same intention, are an overwhelming experience. The sound current heales blocks, then opens consciousness to connect to the divine. Relax, tune in and vibrate your soul’s light.


Ada Devinderjit is a naturopath for holistic psychotherapy in Hamburg and Malente, Germany. In Nanak Dev Singhs heritage she is practicing, teaching and also researching on White Sound Gong meditation. Devinderjit is happy to re-unite gong graduates for Wahe Guru! Gong voyages. Born in 1970, she is also holds an MA in cultural anthropology and is mother of a 19-year-old son.

Subagh Kriya

Teacher: Sat Shakti Kaur

We are delighted to invite you to a special Subagh Kriya session live from the European Yoga Festival. Having practiced Subagh Kriya every Monday, lead by a different teacher each week, since October 2023, we are excited to expand and open this transformative practice to other opportunities.


https://tinyurl.com/mvemsrdn  – Meeting ID: 881 1086 8156

Pw: 867575

Kundalini Yoga for the Nervous System

Teacher: Taran Priti Kaur

Attendees will learn some tools to be able to keep their Nervous system in calm and balanced. We will work with some pranayamas, Kriyas and meditations to tune-up our nervous systems and keeping them strong. We will talk about how we can take care of it daily in our lives.


I am Kundalini Yoga Teacher since 2017 and I have been practising Kundalini since I was 18 years old. Now I am working fully on it, offering yoga classes, retreats in the nature and some others therapists. I am also a chemist and continue studying in both areas. I just finished my second Kundalini yoga course, this time with Nam Nidhan Kaur Khalsa in Spain. I have experience teaching and receiving for 10 years.

The Art of Self- healing

Teacher: Nam Devmeet

I am focusing on giving people the opportunity to learn how to listen and honor the body through conscious self awareness. An important part of my classes is focus on breathwork, body,and meditations, using mantras as a tool for liberation an union to the sangat.My classes are deep, but also nurturing an awakening. I can teach in Spanish, french, italian or english being, being an international teacher helps me understanding all the perspertive of kundalini by the influence of others cultures.


Begoña Leal, aka Nam Devmeet, blends her professional background with her yoga passion, spreading its benefits globally. She now divides her time between Mallorca, Geneva, and Abu Dhabi. At Rama Mallorca, she aids those facing infertility, cancer, and health challenges through yoga. Specializing in Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and sound healing, she explores various spiritualities cultures. Nam Devmeet promotes yoga, health, and spirituality, guiding others toward healing and transformation.

Survival Technology

Teacher: Adi Priya Kaur

We understand as Yogis that a healthy nervous system is not just about relaxation. It is the development of flexibility, as well as a progressive training of adaptability and resilience. One of the great ways to get a healthy nervous system is by practising Kundalini yoga. It helps us repair the nervous system via the vagus nerve. In medicine, we say the vagus nerve is important, and in Kundalini Yoga we say it is VERY important. Why? In this workshop, we will demystify why it’s important.


I am an Emergency Medicine Doctor and a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer with Karam Kriya School. My love of working with people coupled with a passion for science drew me toward a career in medicine. The discipline and beauty of Kundalini yoga have inspired me physically mentally and spiritually I have a passion for bridging medicine and Kundalini yoga to integrative healthcare and promoting holistic well-being for individuals and communities through KY practice

To Be Me - Succeed is our Maturity

Teacher: Dunja Mladenic

To Be Me – To Be Mature involves some inner attitudes that are supportive in letting go of some obstacles on the way to a relaxed, joyful, and successful self-expression in life. To Be Me is easy when I manage to let go of the sophistication constructed by my mind and allow myself to be simple. Nothing to hide, nothing to lose, nothing to gain. It is universal and yet very specific. What do I need to be me and successfully express? What to strengthen, what to let go, what to acquire anew?


Dunia Mladenic, PhD has extensive experience in scientific work and in practicing yoga and meditation in Europe and USA. Her research in Computer Science involves also leadership and mentoring students. As a Kundalini Yoga and Shakti Dance®-the yoga of dance Trainer, and president of Slovenian NKYTA, she is teaching and applying the yogic technology in her professional and daily life. She co-authored scientific papers, books including the books on Leadership and Success based on Kundalini Yoga.

Beyond Addiction : recover your true self

Teacher: Ongkar Singh & Darsha Teja Kaur

Any behavior that gives us ephemeral pleasure, that we can’t control and that has negative consequences is an addiction. This behaviour, of which we are slaves, hinders the development of our full potential, our true Self. In this series of workshops, we will provide you with the keys to understanding what addictions really are, and concrete tools to free yourself from them. In particular, we’ll see how they are a wonderful area of exploration for applying the teachings of Kundalini Yoga.


Ongkar Singh and Darsha Teja Kaur both teach Kundalini Yoga in France. In 2019, Ongkar organized the first Beyond Addiction program in France, a program created by Canadian teacher Sat Dharam Kaur that combines the teachings of Kundalini Yoga with elements of modern psychology. Darsha Teja quickly became part of the organizing team and they now run the program on an annual basis. They are dedicated in helping others free themselves from addiction and find their way back to their soul.

Sat Nam Rasayan

Sat Nam Rasayan is a centuries-old meditation technique and healing art in the tradition of the Kundalini Yoga. It helps to release tendencies and limitations in body, mind and emotions — the common reasons for sickness. Sat Nam Rasayan, as transmitted by Guru Dev Singh, is based on Shuniya, your Inner Silence. To access this meditative state you will use the sensory awareness of your body.


Personal treatments at the Sat Nam Rasayan tent.

www.sat-nam-rasyan.de/eyf or contact us at info@sat-nam-rasayan.de

Sat Nam Rasayan Internaࢢonal school: www.satnamrasayan.it

Values and Virtues of Sikh Dharma

Teacher: Tiaga Priti Kaur Khalsa

The course is designed to help you in your everyday needs of dealing with feelings and emotions but to bring them to a level of serving you for you serving Gods Will. We will look at different virtues, embodied by the Sikh Gurus and how we can relate to their life and message today. Shabds and meditations will help us to be on a frequency to be open to receive the teachings of Sikhi from an inner experience to something we can express to bring it to the world.


From being a catholic religious teacher to being a teacher of Sikh Dharam. 2019: Living and learning in Espanola/ NM / USA – Hacienda Guru Ram Das 2020: Living and learning in Boizenburg / Germany – Guru Ram Das Aquarian Academy 2021-2023: Living and learning in Santa Susanna / Portugal – Guru Ram Dass Ashram 2023-now: Living and learning in India / first with Miri Piri Academy and now taking care of YogiJis House in Anandpur Sahib. Mentee of Shiv Charan Singh and SSS Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa

Raise the field of consciousness

Teacher: Sohang Kaur

Before we are born, we make a promise – a promise that states what we want to manifest using our unique potentials to contribute to changing consciousness in the world. This birth secret is a deep, spiritual mystery that pervades our entire lives. Yogi Bhajan gave us brilliant kryas and meditations that support you in maintaining the energy and focus for your soul’s. In this workshop you will learn your mission and how you can manifest it with Kundalini Yoga Kryas on Earth.


Sohang Kaur regularly traveled to India to learn meditation from enlightened masters and Siddhas. She practiced and taught Kundalini Yoga in the 3HO tradition for many years before meeting the Fogo Sagrado shaman in Brazil in 2009. Sohang Kaur is Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Healer for 17 years.

Experience the Power of Praana

Teacher: Guru Gian

In this workshop we work with the breath and the life-force, pranaa. We move from basic breathing exercises to pranayams that bring you beyond praana in your subtle body. Well known pranayamas and some lesser know pranayama gems from the Kundalini Yoga tradition are shared. You will feel your own true power and experience the purity that you are.


Guru Gian has more than 15 years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Kundalini Yoga is Jasper’s speciality but he is open to all forms of yoga and meditation. Guru Gian is a full time teacher and is very experienced in guiding people and teaching transformational retreats. He is also the initiator and owner of the Kundalini Yoga Club and has written the book The Kundalini Yoga (R)Evolution & The Kundalini Effect.

Naad Gian

Teacher: Surprise Special Guest

Sikh Dharma

Teacher: Lectures

Feminine Leadership

Teacher: Ishwara Kaur

Every woman is a natural leader and it is through embracing and valuing her feminine qualities and bringing them into balance with the masculine, that healthy, balanced leadership will be born. You are part of creating that new paradigm. Join me to explore the nature of feminine leadership and to expand your leadership qualities.


Ishwara is known for her warmth, sense of humour and wisdom. She approaches life as an ongoing exploration & discovery of human & individual potential. She incorporates singing, dancing, music, yoga, meditation, relaxation & a love of nature, into her teaching. She is a spiritual guide and mentor and a musician. She has been teaching, training teachers & mentoring new trainers for many years. She is in the midst of co-creating a Centre of Spirituality and Community in the Pyrénées in France.

Let your Light shine - Embrace your darkness

Teacher: Akasha Kaur Beierle-Bertram

How can the techniques of Kundalini Yoga and the benevolent togetherness of the Sanghat support us in bringing out our inner light and embracing our own darkness? Being together as women can be nourishing, heart-opening and transformative.


Akasha Kaur has been teaching Yoga for women with dedication for many years. Her clear & heartfelt way of teaching characterizes her as a yoga teacher.
In the years of teaching, she has inspired people to find in Kundalini Yoga a technique to live a holistic and happy life and to grow internally. Since 2016 she has been organizing Kundalini Yoga Women’s Camps in Germany & throughout Europe. Drawing on her wealth of experience, she passes on her knowledge as a yoga teacher trainer.

From naïve daughter to wise woman

Teacher: Avtar Kaur Khalsa

From the naive daughter to the wise and divine woman, a journey through the numbers and the destiny of the Woman. ” 2 4 (5) 6 8 (11)

A workshop for women of all ages and background,  guided by the intelligence of the numbers.


Avtar Kaur is an experienced Karam Kriya and Kundalini Yoga Coach and trainer (L1 & L2 KRI certified) very involved in the KY international community. She initiated the program Divine Woman, based on number’s intelligence and Woman’s teachings. She is always passionate about raising awareness and awakening the feminine spirit in our modern society whether through workshops or 1 to 1 Numerology sessions. She transmits her teachings with great depth, while being joyful and brings you to a subtle, transformative state. Each workshop highlights the intelligence of numbers (Karam Kriya school of applied numerology) and the original Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Radius and Radiance in the Aquarian Age

Teacher: Avtar Kaur Khalsa

An intensive class where we will consciously build individually and together as a community a strong arcline, so that your presence can start radiating and impacting the changes that are ahead of us. The musicians from Mardana will play along the entire Class.


Avtar Kaur is a long-time international Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer (L1 and L2). She transmits her teachings with great depth, while being joyful and brings you to a subtle, transformative state. Each workshop highlights the intelligence of numbers (Karam Kriya school of applied numerology) and the original Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Commit to love & Love to commit

Teacher: Devta Singh

This workshop is about finding out on your relationship with the “love of love”. Behind and beyond all fantasies, stories and projections about love, there is a primary love. It invites us to feel and to be present. And it might be the catalyst for deep inner relevations that our mind is trying to distract us from.


Devta Singh is a Karam Kriya Student & Counsellor and Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Trainer. Together with his family he lives in Portugal and serves the community as part of the Association Ram Dass Guru. He speaks German, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Journey to Wholeness: Soulful Living Series

Teacher: Izza

Use the technology of Kundalini Yoga to immerse yourself in holistic well-being with Healing, experiencing self-healing, trauma release, and profound self-care. Unleash your inner wisdom in Intuition, cultivating confidence and clarity for authentic decisions. Awaken your soul in Soul Connection, deepening your sense of belonging and purpose, fostering spiritual growth and community interconnectedness. These workshops offer transformative journeys for personal empowerment.


I’m Izza, dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace purposeful, soul-led living and foster a healthier, happier lifestyle. I guide you to reconnect with your authentic self and intuition, unlock your potential, and align your life with your soul’s purpose, empowering you to make a difference. As a neurodivergent, mixed-race woman with chronic illness, I offer a unique perspective on diversity and am dedicated to helping others navigate these experiences.

Yoga Thai Massage

Teacher: Nadar Nihal Kaur

In this workshop we will experience silence of mind and deep listening through the hands to reach the state of neutral mind We will emerge into the practice of yoga Thai massage, stretching and melting the body, opening hips and shoulders, creating a balanced grounding and an open receptivity We wil learn to give a simple sequence including osteophatic tecniques, we will practise theapeutic postures and advanced poses. There will be playfulness, creativity and limitless possibilities.


This workshop is guided by Maja Persson with 15 years of yoga practise, she is a certified yoga teacher since 2008. Maja has been exploring and sharing the practise of Yoga Thai Massage since 2012, certified in abdominal thai massage 2016 and advanced Yoga Thai Massage 2018 including 5 elements course / chineese medicine in 2022 with Krishna Takis and Osteothai massage with David Lutt in 2023. Maja has extended experience in bodytherapy, astrology, dance and creativity

Overtones - The sound of infinity

Teacher: Gianwant Singh

In this workshop we explore what gives our voice and our instruments sound. How sound takes us out into infinity and connects us deeply with our soul. We embark on a journey to the mystics of the Middle Ages who measured creation and creator using the overtone series, and search for what all music has in common and connects it deep at its core. We will become one with space, time and audience and recognize them within our own self. From there we let the music reveal and flow in its own essence.


I am luthier, acoustician and teacher of yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan especially for classical musicians. I am fascinated by the way materia and sound appear and how materia is structured by sound. In my final thesis “sense and impact of a sound projection” I wrote about the impact of the projecting mind on sound, music and instrument making. I started with KY 2002 with Jap Singh in Chile and SNR since 2005 with Guru Dev Singh (teaching since 2016). I play Gong and contemporary meditation music.

Exploring The Blissfulness in Us

Teacher: Dalpreet Atma Kaur

We will practice first ‘superhealth’, and ‘ kooraj’ a nice programm of pranayamas and voice training to introduces ourselves to sing the Raags.
We will explore then in detail of the the 3 raags I chose, its musicology ( what are the notes, their emotional signatures, the link between them, their relevance in the mood we are studying)
We will feel these notes using time of writing remembering by our 5 senses the dimension of each sur
We will work on rythm by using the body, and then sing .


Je suis chanteuse, danseuse , praticienne de SNR certifiée et enseignante KY. Après avoir fait une préparation hec et des études de management, je suis partie en italie pour étudier le chant lyrique (master au conservatoire de Vérone), et aussi la pratique du KY et SNR avec Sangeet Kaur et Guru Dev Singh. J’ai approfondi mes recherches en théatre danse et suis en TT Naad Yoga (‘école d’art dramatique Paolo Grassi à Milan, master en danse P8) 

Songs of Soul

Teacher: Siri Sadhana Kaur

This is a playful invitation to open our heart through embodying our unique voice and sound, harmonizing, improvising and chanting powerful mantras and world songs to elevate our souls. We will awaken somatic wisdom, unearthing our depths of joyful expression through sound and rythym. The sounds we vibrate mutually influence each others hearts, creating a synchrony that transforms our whole being, we become a sound mirror of the universe in full creative expression. No experience needed.


Siri is a KRI Lead Kundalini teacher + trainer. As a touring mantra recording artist and dancer, she embodies the sacred through movement, melody and rhythm. She is currently recording her 10th Mantra album out later this year. Sharing the timeless teachings of Kundalini, indigenous technology, and music, Siri encourages others to dance + sing their joyful depths, to consciously awaken and become the instrument and true light of the soul. All music is available as downloads. www.sirisadhana.com


Teacher: Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa


I was born and raised in rural Maine in the U.S. as a country bumpkin and woods hippy. . Somehow, by the Grace of the divine Guru I am an international teacher of Naad Yoga and kirtan . That in itself is a miracle.

Love with Words and Actions

Teacher: Dr. Haridass Kaur

Connecting hearts through the power of seva and team work. When we come together, our hearts expand and we can connect with our words and with our actions. This is a 3-day class to learn about how we can connect with each other and work on skills to improve our communication in relationships. We have daily interactions in the form of tasks. A special operations seva team (SOS Team) will work 1 hour a day to focus on camp’s immediate needs.


Develop awareness to assess the underlying issues of your discomfort and create meaningful changes. Change happens when you outgrow your habits. Feel fully empowered as we create new neural pathways cultivating a life of happiness.
As the founder of Infinite Goddess School of Human Advancement offering trainings. She hold a Doctorate in Natural Health and is a certified Kundalini Yoga Research Institute (KRI) Mentoring Lead Trainer and Yoga Alliance 500-Hour ERT Trainer.

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