3rd - 11th August 2024, Chateau de Jambville near Paris.

Do's and dont's


Do’s and Don’ts for the European Yoga Festival

Group gatherings always necessitate the establishment of rules. We kindly request your conscious adherence to these guidelines to ensure a harmonious environment for all. The following Do’s and Don’ts have been refined over the years based on our collective experiences. Our deepest aspiration is for everyone to embody the consciousness expected of individuals identifying as yogis.

In summary:


  1. Respectful Conduct: Embody the principles of yoga through respectful and compassionate behavior towards others.
  2. Drug and Alcohol-Free Zone: Strictly NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL ALLOWED. Immediate expulsion will be enforced upon any violation.
  3. Noise Curfew: As the site is situated within a village, please refrain from making noise between 10 PM and 7:30 AM.
  4. Hygiene Awareness: Clean your dishes in designated areas and avoid washing them at water stations.
  5. Child-Friendly Environment: Given that this is a scout camp with children present, kindly respect our hosts and refrain from public nudity.
  6. Nature Conservation: While we appreciate your love for nature, please utilize the provided toilets rather than the surrounding forest.
  7. Minimal Valuables: Avoid bringing unnecessary valuables to the camp.
  8. Wasp Awareness: Be mindful of wasps on the premises; help maintain a clean camp by disposing of food waste properly to deter them. If you come across any nests, kindly address them before the wasps become a nuisance.
  9. Allergy Information: In case of any allergies, please promptly inform the First Aid team.
  10. Respect for Property: Please be aware that the property is not exclusive to us; certain areas are off-limits. Refer to the general maps for permissible zones. There will be Scouts activities taking place concurrently; kindly respect their privacy and avoid entering their designated areas.
  11. Restricted Areas: Furthermore, access is not permitted in the self-service area, the gazebo near the entrance, the Jambville staff offices, or any private residential buildings on the site.


  1. Zero Tolerance for Drugs and Alcohol: The festival has a strict policy against the use of drugs or alcohol. Violation will result in immediate expulsion.
  2. Noise Violation: Refrain from making noise between 10 PM and 7:30 AM to maintain a peaceful environment for everyone.
  3. Improper Dishwashing: Clean your dishes only in designated areas; avoid washing them at water stations to ensure proper sanitation.
  4. Public Nudity: Out of respect for the scout camp and children present, public nudity is strictly prohibited.
  5. Inappropriate Toilet Usage: Utilize the provided toilets instead of the surrounding forest to preserve the natural environment.
  6. Avoid Bringing Valuables: Minimize the risk of loss or theft by refraining from bringing unnecessary valuables to the camp.
  7. Wasp Disturbance: Dispose of food waste properly to deter wasps; address any nests promptly to prevent disturbances.
  8. Failure to Inform About Allergies: Communicate any allergies promptly to the First Aid team for swift assistance.
  9. Unauthorized Access: Certain areas are off-limits. Please refer to the general maps for permissible zones and respect the privacy of Scouts in designated areas.
  10. Restricted Zones: Access is not permitted in the self-service area, the gazebo near the entrance, the Jambville staff offices, or any private residential buildings on the site.


We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these guidelines to create a positive and inclusive environment for all participants at the European Yoga Festival.

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